About Transition

Transition implies change. It is a transformation process. We can ask for it or be surprised by it. How do we move with change?

Transitions can be deliberate and intentional or it can be happen unintended as matter of circumstance. Sometimes it is welcomed and sometimes it is dreaded.

Some people have life transitions of great magnitude. Every time we have change, we transition for one state to another.

There are mainly two types of transitions: those that come internally when change is forced on us as in trauma or depression, and those that come externally as a result of setting goals for invited change.

Transitions can be physical, emotional, or psychological. They can be lifestyle, career changes, educational, or even spiritual changes. Transitions can involve others or they can happen independent of relationship.

Transition Tools is
 an approach to counseling that implements assessment. strategies, and skill for personal empowerment.

These are hands on tools that will assist a person to easily make effective, lasting  change.

Whether it be personal, relationship or career transitions, change is easier with planning and implementation of appropriate techniques.

Client centered choices in education, like other areas in life, depend on factors such as knowing and dealing with interests, strengths, areas of challenge, and motivation.

What is Wellness?

What is Health?

Holistic Change

Susan Burns, MA, LMHC

Every transition has 3 stages:

1) A beginning stage where you know that everything cannot remain the same. Something has to die or change or dissolve. It cannot remain the way it was. it has to die so it can be transformed just as a caterpillar gives way to the cocoon.

2) This stage is like the dormant cocoon that holds the potency of change invisibly within it. This is A middle stage of transition where the state that was before has been dissolved or it has died. There is a process of transformation. But the end is not visible and the past has been left behind. This stage is governed by uncertainty and unknowing and can feel very unsettling.

3) An ending stage where we have moved past unknowing and begin to feel lighter, wiser and more integrated. In this stage, we let go and trust what is before us. We may even see a glimmer of it.

Transformation is a creative process, so transitions, like creativity,  involve  the art of flow. One must trust what is emerging and let go enough to let it happen, trusting that something substantial will be created out of the process. This is a simple process of observing, accepting, letting go.

Tools for Transition include tools for assessment, practical change strategies, creative strategies designed for the person and mind/body techniques to remove mental blocks. You can learn to live in your heart.

Visit Life Mastery for information on hypnotherapy.

Personal Profiling assessments are also available.

More on Hypnotherapy

Personal Profiling

Life Mastery

Life Choices

Personal Assessment

Transition Tools

About Transition Tools

Two Parts of the Mind

See also a description of a variety of Counseling Services and their respective links in this site.

Read about counseling her

Read about coaching here.